This is inspired by the old skool Barbie plastic pet dog, search Barbie poop eating dog.

Comments (31)
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  • The Nose• 2024-07-04 03:04:24 (7877535)


  • mrjohn's profile picturemrjohn• 2024-03-24 19:28:40 (7849914)

    Glad you've watched rewind 22. Thanks, I had to practice quite a bit to get it right. Phew, stressfull!!
    Btw, the latest Sudomemo lookback, and also Sudomemo Radio vids have just come out. They're AWESOME!

  • mrjohn's profile picturemrjohn• 2024-03-24 19:23:55 (7849913)

    It might have been from another content provider. Greater Creator I think. After I'd watched a few vids, YouTube started doing its own thing, going onto a bunch of Harryhousens one after the next XD.

  • geezer's profile picturegeezer• 2024-02-20 11:21:34 (7841546)
    Drawn comment by geezer
  • jeromis's profile picturejeromis• 2024-02-07 19:49:02 (7838587)


  • Jake's profile pictureJake• 2024-01-25 16:29:17 (7835900)

    Ewww! The dog was eating his own poop! 🤢

  • Lime!/❓❓❓!'s profile pictureLime!/❓❓❓!• 2024-01-12 23:49:53 (7829291)
    Drawn comment by Lime!/❓❓❓!
  • geezer's profile picturegeezer• 2024-01-09 05:56:56 (7828650)

    Happy New Year to you Dee.
    Good to see you're still on here. I intend to return, but just cannot find the time at the moment. I need to get back into the habit.

  • CerealBowl's profile pictureCerealBowl• 2024-01-08 19:31:38 (7828458)
    Drawn comment by CerealBowl
  • SuzyUzi's profile pictureSuzyUzi• 2024-01-08 18:12:38 (7828449)

    Been busy but i actually got realease to my house durimg new years :D this year i get to go home wvery other week and just glad i get to draw and play some video games

DEE_2's profile picture
January 3rd, 2024 16:40:47
  • Views696
  • Downloads14
  • Comments31
  • Flipnote ID6JQHVB
  • ChannelAnimations
  • RegionEurope and Oceania

Original Flipnote