Gabriel M.Reply, XM8DBZ, #7971603:
I figured I may as well since yours are there and I didn't want to clutter up anything else. Fun fact: the smiley face in the Emoticons section didn't appear on the DSi until later the same day! Before then, only the Private Use Area one worked. Also, those handwritten "t"s got me good! I like your humour. XD
Reply, XM8DBZ, #7971605:
Even since I joined Sudomemo for the first time, I've always wanted to do a mixed-reality Flipnote because I think that it's a really fun concept, so when I found that collaboration template, I just knew that I had to make it real. I'm glad that you like it so much!
Gabriel M.A few of my own tests:
Emoticons: 😃
Private Use Area: 
Internal links:
[!channel: 91333535207074479002!]
[channel: 91333535207074479002]
[!flipnote: 7R53AH!]
[flipnote: 7R53AH]
Comment width: