I was making something for the "massive" Weekly Topic, but I ran out of time, so here's a page from it that I decided to clean up because it turned out good.

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  • ★Adison★'s profile picture★Adison★• 2021-12-12 12:03:48 (7456795)

    Re: Lol yeah I am not good with dragons, I just did something funny XD

  • ★Adison★'s profile picture★Adison★• 2021-12-08 09:20:36 (7453282)

    Re: oh fard lol I did not realize I put their instead of there (oops) I usually forget the rules of grammar sometimes. But anyways thanks for the questions, I think they are really good!

  • mrjohn's profile picturemrjohn• 2021-11-28 15:00:33 (7444341)

    Yes, I havn't heard from Ian in a long time either.
    I hope he's ok too.

  • jeromis's profile picturejeromis• 2021-11-18 12:01:54 (7435149)

    Hey! Long time no see Thanks for the blue star. I actually guess metal sonic is totally dissapeared, But I did the continue part just for fun. I aslo thought you were disappeared too by the way nice drawing

  • mrjohn's profile picturemrjohn• 2021-11-17 05:47:12 (7434887)
    Drawn comment by mrjohn
  • Salty's profile pictureSalty• 2021-11-11 05:44:57 (7433066)
    Drawn comment by Salty
  • mrjohn's profile picturemrjohn• 2021-10-27 13:56:44 (7430292)

    I did try other tech systems over the years, but funnily enough, I found that Flipnote Studio was still the one for me.
    The animation enthusiastic comunity, and my familiarity with the app won out :).

  • mrjohn's profile picturemrjohn• 2021-10-26 06:52:26 (7430085)

    Thanks :).
    My stop motion hardly ever looks smooth when I first do it. But then I line it up, and move bits around (Using loop select nudge) to make it look smooth and neat.

  • Dee's profile pictureDee• 2021-10-26 01:00:52 (7430041)
    Drawn comment by Dee
  • Dee's profile pictureDee• 2021-10-26 00:44:51 (7430039)
    Drawn comment by Dee
BeefJerkey's profile picture
August 9th, 2021 02:15:25
  • Views120
  • Downloads1
  • Comments28
  • Flipnote IDN1RG7Y
  • ChannelIllustrations
  • RegionAmericas
