Comments (7)
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  • Artur's profile pictureArtur• 2024-12-15 20:18:01 (7940752)

    What in the actual

  • JCPro's profile pictureJCPro• 2024-12-15 00:36:11 (7940349)

    Looking back on the one Dermo did, it's a little too instant for what I was going for, and doesn't have enough impact.

  • JCPro's profile pictureJCPro• 2024-12-15 00:33:36 (7940348)

    I probably won't leave it in. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • JCPro's profile pictureJCPro• 2024-12-15 00:33:12 (7940347)

    You were pretty much on the money coolguy, I just wanted to give it a try so I wouldn't leave any advice unused.

  • coolguyXD's profile picturecoolguyXD• 2024-12-15 00:19:25 (7940321)

    nvm i noticed what you were talking about. it kinda looks like the stick figures phasing out of existence lol.

  • coolguyXD's profile picturecoolguyXD• 2024-12-15 00:07:58 (7940301)

    there really isn't a right or wrong in motion blur/smear frames as long as it accurately conveys the character is moving fast. in this case its up to JCpro whether he wants more realistic or cartoony smear frames.

  • dermo.....'s profile picturedermo.....• 2024-12-14 22:30:44 (7940258)
    Drawn comment by dermo.....
JCPro's profile picture
December 14th, 2024 21:46:43
  • Views81
  • Downloads3
  • Comments7
  • Flipnote IDJQYGZ3
  • ChannelPractice Channel
  • RegionAmericas
