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  • cesⒶr's profile picturecesⒶr• 2016-08-28 10:12:25 (5270876)
    Drawn comment by cesⒶr
  • ⒶidⒶn's profile pictureⒶidⒶn• 2016-08-28 09:39:47 (5270821)
    Drawn comment by ⒶidⒶn
  • cesⒶr's profile picturecesⒶr• 2016-08-28 08:36:27 (5270713)
    Drawn comment by cesⒶr
  • NioXoiN's profile pictureNioXoiN• 2016-08-28 07:44:19 (5270601)
    Drawn comment by NioXoiN
  • cesⒶr's profile picturecesⒶr• 2016-08-28 07:02:44 (5270564)
    Drawn comment by cesⒶr
  • SMG5's profile pictureSMG5• 2016-08-28 06:53:15 (5270557)
    Drawn comment by SMG5
cesⒶr's profile picture
August 28th, 2016 06:38:47
  • Views58
  • Downloads0
  • Comments6
  • Flipnote ID94VGY3
  • ChannelAnimations
  • RegionEurope and Oceania

Original Flipnote

The original Flipnote isn't on Sudomemo.

Creator: ⒶidⒶn
FSID: 53E8D900A0B875DE