thank you all for the feedback :,)

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  • #1BN's profile picture #1BN • 2024-08-29 00:39:08 (7894501)
    Drawn comment by #1BN
  • Arancia's profile picture Arancia • 2024-08-18 18:49:09 (7891706)

    I agree with the other comments as well. More anticipation would be really useful to make the animation more smooth and easy to track. Adding shaking effects or double/triple frames to the hits would add a lot more impact as well. A really important thing is also the stick size. Try to keep in mind the original size of the stick through the movements. Doing that will keep the animation consistent and will also help with the visual flow. I also saw that you tried to use a smearing effect at the end. Usually, I try to accompany it for a couple more frames so that it gives a sense of speed. You could try that as well. Lastly, the speed can change the animation a lot. I would suggest to try animating in speed 7 for now, as it is easier to follow. Overall though, you're in the right path, so keep it up.

  • Ninry's profile picture Ninry • 2024-08-18 18:28:07 (7891697)

    In terms of stick fights like these I’d recommend looking into how fighting game animations are made and thought up of. They correlate a lot more with stick fights than most general animations do

  • Ninry's profile picture Ninry • 2024-08-18 18:26:39 (7891695)

    Look into anticipation in animation. Also although I don’t use them when making stick fights, learning key frames or rather key poses can help out a lot. Getting ideas down on paper first will also help out a lot than rather going with a straight-on or grabbing the idea from the noggin

  • Acro's profile picture Acro • 2024-08-18 13:16:48 (7891631)

    I would rate it a 7/10 , i think there could’ve been more momentum for the last two hits especially the upper cut. It is a little harder to upper cut into that downward spike movement from the air since normally it wouldn’t be possible but it was a great attempt! It may have been easier to land after the uppercut and then do a downward smash in a different way

  • MⒶZOkidox's profile picture MⒶZOkidox • 2024-08-18 12:33:42 (7891624)

    If u think a strike needs more impact or attention, u can double/triple frame the impact image and do some camera shake, is this speed 7?

  • MⒶZOkidox's profile picture MⒶZOkidox • 2024-08-18 12:32:05 (7891623)

    U could look up stick fight choreo. For start. For big moves like the slam or upper cut u want more anticipation or follow thru. Focus on having strong readable poses for your key frames, like readying an attack, the actual strike or the follow thru. It also helps if u make targets for the stick figure to hit, and write out the combo.

  • Jake's profile picture Jake • 2024-08-10 23:44:28 (7889390)
    Drawn comment by Jake
  • Luisfer's profile picture Luisfer • 2024-08-10 23:17:08 (7889379)
    Drawn comment by Luisfer
  • Unknown's profile picture Unknown • 2024-08-10 22:58:20 (7889375)
    Drawn comment by Unknown