re: copy the sprite by selecting it (you will need to turn advanced tools on in flipnote studio settings), press back, create a flipnote if you want to use the sprites, paste the sprite/font there. keep doing it if you want to maybe make a cool logo. if you don't understand,
re: you're welcome! have a good night/day! :)
there is a tutorial flipnotes channel on channel 6, so if you are having trouble, just go there and find the solution you are looking for.
let me know, and i'll try to explain it in flipnote. (sometimes i'm not good at giving instructions)
re: copy the sprite by selecting it (you will need to turn advanced tools on in flipnote studio settings), press back, create a flipnote if you want to use the sprites, paste the sprite/font there. keep doing it if you want to maybe make a cool logo. if you don't understand,