Its something idk go watch it lol (edit)- nahh no way i won the wt like the flips that won wt like some of them are just CLEARLY worse than mine just saying sudo bro.(this is a joke if you cant tell i dont really care, if i did i woudnt be doing wt's once a year)

Comments (3)
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  • jeromis's profile picturejeromis• 2022-09-24 15:57:05 (7618393)
    Drawn comment by jeromis
  • Vex's profile pictureVex• 2022-08-11 18:58:42 (7602406)

    So basically paste a whole page of nothing saves space????

  • Mega's profile pictureMega• 2022-08-09 14:38:52 (7601358)
    Drawn comment by Mega
Xenofinite's profile picture
August 9th, 2022 11:31:17
