So Yesterday, I finally graduated at high school, which means I am officially done with it. Next stop to community college, I guess.

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  • StarsArts★'s profile pictureStarsArts★• 2023-02-10 20:55:57 (7700786)

    Re: I slowed the audio down to -86.666 and recorded it at speed 4 here is a list of audio speeds Flipnote ID SBVA9C I also recorded it with a rockit splitter using the splitter only works on 3ds though because the DSi doesn't support TRRS

  • Vaporeon• 2022-06-04 12:45:32 (7574020)
    Drawn comment by Vaporeon
Johnny R's profile picture
June 4th, 2022 00:34:08
  • Views44
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  • Flipnote IDWNZKBV
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