Didn't know whether to post this on the Illustrations or Journal Channel so I put it in the Weezer channel. I hope rivers cuomo doesn't mind. Check this out: [https://pbs.twimg.com/media/GWrB4-tX0AA0Llq?format=jpg&name=large]

Kommentarer (19)
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  • DEE_2s profilbildDEE_2• 2024-09-30 12:20:04 (7903934)
    Ritad kommentar från DEE_2
  • mrjohns profilbildmrjohn• 2024-09-28 21:54:08 (7903373)
    Ritad kommentar från mrjohn
  • mrjohns profilbildmrjohn• 2024-09-28 17:57:23 (7903308)

    Hey there. I've re posted my Photo Head Basket ball Flipnotes to the Animations Channel, as I didn't realise that the Collabs Channel doesn't feature in the charts.
    Could you do me a huge favor, and re gold star the Flipnotes on the animations channel for me.
    Sorry about that! My bad! :)

  • mrjohns profilbildmrjohn• 2024-09-27 20:05:30 (7902983)

    Re. No problem, it was fun!

  • mrjohns profilbildmrjohn• 2024-09-27 17:20:03 (7902946)

    Thanks again. It's definetly the most detailed Flipnote I've made. And the opportunity to animate all those great characters together really made it worth while.

  • mrjohns profilbildmrjohn• 2024-09-27 16:18:02 (7902923)

    Thanks so much for the stars :D. I hope you liked my rendering of Gaze as a crowd member. Such a great character.
    Nice purple upgrade btw.

  • CookieEXPs profilbildCookieEXP• 2024-09-25 10:29:51 (7901746)
    Ritad kommentar från CookieEXP
  • RandomExps profilbildRandomExp• 2024-09-22 19:19:29 (7900805)
    Ritad kommentar från RandomExp
  • Meggos profilbildMeggo• 2024-09-21 10:45:34 (7900382)

    Cute!! Nice design change!

  • TensDraw2s profilbildTensDraw2• 2024-09-21 09:09:05 (7900368)
    Ritad kommentar från TensDraw2
CosmicGAZs profilbild
September 9th, 2024 18:29:09
  • Visningar384
  • Nedladdningar3
  • Kommentarer19
  • FlipnoteIDYQKJVP
  • KanalWeezer
  • RegionAmericas
