If you know who the awesome guitarist is from the DVD Dragonball Z theme on this do say thanks.

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  • Foto de perfil de Watson incWatson inc• 2024-11-21 02:55:53 (7923595)
    Comentario dibujado por Watson inc
  • Foto de perfil de J0w03LJ0w03L• 2024-10-14 18:47:35 (7909457)

    Something that might be helpful to know: line compression is split into chunks of 8 pixels, 32 for each line. Some drawings might achieve better compression by just being better aligned with these chunk borders, say for example you have a horizontal line that's 24 pixels long. It should compress slightly better if it starts and ends at a multiple of 8 on the x axis. If it started at, say, 5 on the x axis, you'd have extra chunk data stored on either side of that 24 pixel line, as opposed to a chunk being skipped instead.

  • Foto de perfil de J0w03LJ0w03L• 2024-10-14 18:33:31 (7909451)

    The main reason horizontal lines are so well optimized is because Flipnote Studio will basically skip over a horizontal line if there are no pixels drawn onto it.

  • Foto de perfil de Numba 5Numba 5• 2024-10-13 23:47:22 (7909302)

    Well this was pretty rigorous :0
    I think it may be worth mentioning that I have been told by people who know better than me that flipnote also saves certain chunks of pixels, kinda like minecraft. So some perfectly horizontal lines can take up less space purely based on size and positioning. So that could be why you saw that variety in space taken up when you simply made a segment horizontally longer.

  • Foto de perfil de JoseJose• 2024-10-03 01:52:06 (7905195)

    Re: Your welcome, I find this information very interesting while I never thought the memory storage could be analyzed like this, and so I thank you for that

  • Foto de perfil de mrjohnmrjohn• 2024-10-02 04:36:33 (7904730)
    Comentario dibujado por mrjohn
  • Foto de perfil de mrjohnmrjohn• 2024-10-02 04:29:57 (7904728)
    Comentario dibujado por mrjohn
  • Foto de perfil de mrjohnmrjohn• 2024-10-02 04:18:19 (7904727)
    Comentario dibujado por mrjohn
  • Foto de perfil de mrjohnmrjohn• 2024-10-02 04:04:57 (7904726)
    Comentario dibujado por mrjohn
  • Foto de perfil de mrjohnmrjohn• 2024-10-02 03:59:16 (7904725)
    Comentario dibujado por mrjohn
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September 25th, 2024 12:20:26
  • Vistas533
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  • Flipnote ID9R3BYG
  • CanalTutorial Flipnotes
  • RegiónEuropa y Oceanía

Dragon Ball Theme Melody Đang Cập Nhật 2010 Comienza a los 00:23