The original Flipnote isn't on Sudomemo.
Creator: ☆KimikoU.☆
Made this a long ass time ago, when me and my ex-girlfriend were starting to break up and i found out she was cheating on me. Feel like this song sorta fits, i dunno. (Made this back in 2012 ish whih I'm over now but, I'm still proud how this came out so thought I'd share)
@∴➕tea➕∴° THANK YOU!! I am definitely planning on making more in the future! Some of these were done like, 15 years ago soo XD
I wanna see if I still got it with my updated artstyle and everything lol (I say, even though i haven't animated a single thing since. cuz my DSi went missing for about that long and i only found it again a few days ago, hence me coming back here after so long lol) *on a new acct but still*