Why the left one?!

Of course the left bumper on my DSi is broken. I looked up how to fix it and of course the only screw driver I have for it is so small, my fat fingers cant grasp it. (Edit: It fell down the stairs and now its semi-working)

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  • Myth • 2022-04-10 09:12:12 (7549376)
    Drawn comment by Myth
  • POLーPENIX® • 2022-04-09 17:56:26 (7549189)
    Drawn comment by POLーPENIX®
  • ★Adison★'s profile picture ★Adison★ • 2022-04-09 16:57:02 (7549170)

    Hate when the dsi does this :l

  • ♣'s profile picture• 2022-04-08 23:25:40 (7549068)

    This is sadly very common with DSis. The only known way to fix it is to litterally S U C C the dust out of it with your mouth. I know, it's unhygienic, but bare with me.