The original Flipnote isn't on Sudomemo.
Creator: Tamama757
This took way too long, but I'm finally done, I'm really sorry for taking forever, literally the entire map was waiting on this. (Welp time to start on another map part.)
Re: you got the beginning right! trying not to give too much away, but she the scientist actually turned her, into what seems to be an evil person (if that makes sense lol)
Re: Tysm!! The problem is that I live in a really noisy house and don't want the background sound. Thank you tho!!!
Nice job mate!!!!
Re: No problem! And yes, I do have discord. My tag is: Tamama757#3099
I didn't mean to put the "Re:" in that last comment(I'm an idiot)
Re: I LOVE IT!!! I will download it as soon as I can and put it in! And thx for participating!