Things to upgrade (or add) on Sudomemo

After 10 years on Sudomemo, I want to give my ideas to upgrade this colosal project !

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  • Glin's profile picture
    Glin• 2024-11-02 22:09:37 (7916446)

    1) Playlists on DSi
    2) No Bilinear Scalling on YouTube
    3) QR Codes
    4) Spin-off Tree on Browser
    5) Download Flipnote on PC ( .GIF, .PPM, .MP4, .WEBM )
    6) Comments with Drawing and Keyboard on DSi
    7) NO
    8) Using @ and "[F] Flipnote code [/F]" on keyboard
    9) Making a music theme/ost for the website

  • SmashX's profile picture
    SmashX• 2024-11-02 10:53:38 (7916202)

    hold up this spin off tree idea might be goated

  • Eshop's profile picture
    Eshop• 2024-11-01 23:50:13 (7916139)
    Drawn comment by Eshop
  • Glin's profile picture
    Glin• 2024-11-01 22:33:15 (7916117)
    Drawn comment by Glin
  • moofie's profile picture
    moofie• 2024-11-01 20:50:36 (7916062)

    ..that and also better randomization for the random flipnotes feed

  • moofie's profile picture
    moofie• 2024-11-01 20:45:57 (7916059)

    these are pretty good ideas :3
    (obligatory reminder this is my opinion and just what i think so anyone else reading dont take it personal or get mad. pls)
    ngl if i were contribute a thing for here, id remove the ranking all together honestly, i dont think art on here should be competitive (i'd save that for websites like insta or dA or or whatever), plus the top ranking is already taken up by the same users pretty much every day week and month so imo theres no point depending on it nor chasing the ranks. bc of ranking stuff (mainly) i posted so much that it was making me and my mental health extremely awful. i wanted to stay on the top 3 all the time and it kinda caused me actual stress seeing others there, it made me feel as if i was a failure. of course definitely not everyone reacts (or reacted) this way, just wanted to add an anecdote to this and share my experience with the ranking stuff haha (i do not care that much abt the ranks or act like this anymore by the way)