恐怖/kyoufu - fear. like flies crawling all over you. thank-you so much for watching !! -- if you haven't seen part 1, no worries! it is posted and available to watch already (or not, it's up to you! it doesn't matter too much)(。^▽^)
RE: I don't know if there's a proper way to reply TAT but thank you so much for enjoying my work too! It means the world to me ^_^
Also every single detail in this mv and the other part? INCREDIBLE
*eyes pop out of sockets* THIS IS CRAZY
RE: Thank you for the comment also :]
Very late reply: Thank you for the follow and that you enjoyed my flips! ;v; Your flipnotes are amazing and your art is beautiful! :0
re: ya!! thank you! her name is june :3
RE: I don't know if there's a proper way to reply TAT but thank you so much for enjoying my work too! It means the world to me ^_^
Also every single detail in this mv and the other part? INCREDIBLE
RE// THANK YOU SO MUCH!! It's been a long time since I've done a dynamic flipnote like this.. ("°v°)