rps shoot

wait, is that how you play rps?

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  • sm4rd4's profile picture
    sm4rd4• 2023-05-30 00:12:58 (7757336)

    hey guys!!! so uh i transfered my 3ds data to another 3ds and may or may have not lost flipnote studio :|
    trying to figure out a way on how to get my save data back, but if i cant, expect me to be on a new account

  • Brayden B.'s profile picture
    Brayden B.• 2023-04-19 23:56:08 (7743862)

    WHAT A TWIST!! :()()()()()

  • CatLuvSoup's profile picture
    CatLuvSoup• 2023-04-19 21:21:29 (7743828)
    Drawn comment by CatLuvSoup