You know those trips to shops. They're long, tedious, take WAAAAY too much time to get there and in the end, you will forget where you parked you car after buying all that stuff.

Kommentarer (3)
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  • Hanzos profilbildHanzo• 2022-11-12 05:47:47 (7636012)
    Ritad kommentar från Hanzo
  • nates profilbildnate• 2022-11-07 19:34:31 (7635028)

    Oh nah, theres no way i would remember all that just to know where the car is D:

  • Jakes profilbildJake• 2022-11-07 17:56:32 (7635014)

    I love how the car just floats in the air!

Khaki Caps profilbild
November 7th, 2022 06:33:42
