:D it links the flipnote to my original one! this one's a time capsule to me. I taught myself to animate the opening scene and I'm still proud! I remember accidentally drawing sonic and calling him shadow. someone called me out on how his quills were wrong and I got so embarrassed I erased it and fixed his quills!

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  • Yaz's zdjęcie profiloweYaz• 2024-04-17 19:24:06 (7856399)
    Rysowany komentarz stworzony przez Yaz
Yeidemay's zdjęcie profilowe
17th April 2024 19:16:00
  • Wyświetlenia48
  • Pobrania2
  • Komentarze1
  • ID FlipnoteHXCL3P
  • KanałAnimations
  • RegionAmeryki

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