Trying to use cool wizard methods.

Opmerkingen (3)
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  • Zac!'s profielfotoZac!• 2024-08-17 10:30:11 (7891353)

    Hey! Just a real quick note. Sorry it's been over a month, but I've been working on this other project completely unrelated to animation, and recently my DSi has been struggling to charge. It could be battery problem, the charger, or the port itself. Hopefully I can resolve this. Thanks!

  • Lobie5• 2024-07-07 15:33:38 (7878437)
    Getekende reactie door Lobie5
  • Zac!'s profielfotoZac!• 2024-07-07 07:07:22 (7878375)

    If you wanna learn more, please visit this website:

Zac!'s profielfoto
07:05:06, 7 July 2024
  • Weergaven42
  • Downloads1
  • Opmerkingen3
  • Flipnote-ID8NFZCW
  • KanaalPractice Channel
  • RegioAmerika
