A new updated version of this exists, check it out here: https://flipnot.es/TSX6AH
clever that their last names are "looker" since "glance" and "gaze" are synonyms for look
Thanks! This should be very helpful if I ever had the desire to draw them in!
Also here's a model sheet of them I've made a while ago: https://twitter.com/CosmicGAZ_ART/status/1551706417681268736
De originele Flipnote is niet op Sudomemo.
Maker: CosmicGAZ FSID: 5CDBB4D08A765787
clever that their last names are "looker" since "glance" and "gaze" are synonyms for look
Thanks! This should be very helpful if I ever had the desire to draw them in!
Also here's a model sheet of them I've made a while ago: https://twitter.com/CosmicGAZ_ART/status/1551706417681268736