They harden in response to physical trauma

Opmerkingen (4)
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  • SDbackup's profielfotoSDbackup• 2020-09-16 21:53:21 (7125960)
    Getekende reactie door SDbackup
  • Mocha♥'s profielfotoMocha♥• 2020-09-03 01:54:09 (7116470)
    Getekende reactie door Mocha♥
  • Mocha♥'s profielfotoMocha♥• 2020-08-17 04:09:14 (7099867)

    Age *

  • Mocha♥'s profielfotoMocha♥• 2020-08-17 04:08:42 (7099866)

    Re. Thank you salty for your concern about us giving away personal information. I myself was raised in a way to always be cuatous about things like that. But she never really did matter for me. But I never give out names or anything. But thank you for keeping us safe! :D

Salty's profielfoto
04:00:01, 12 August 2020
