April 24th: Sudomemo Weekly News - Topic: Lions"

Hey there everyone, DeepRising here with the Weekly Newsletter and Weekly Topic competition.

We had a great response to last week's topic “Lions”, and a selection of our favorite winning entries are coming up.

But let us first apologize for the delay of the release of Episode 1 of Sudomemo Radio.

The reason for this is because Austin has been ill, and is recovering after a stay in hospital.

We know you'll join us in wishing him a speedy recovery.

"Get well soon Austin."

And now, back to the topic.

If you're thinking about making a topic Flipnote, don't forget to check out next week's topic theme and its description, as well as the subsequent Upcoming Topics listed at the end of the Newsletter.

Here are the winning Flipnotes from last week's topic "Lions". Well done to everybody who entered.

Our Favorite Flipnotes from last weeks Topic "Lions"

Our first topic winning selection this week is a wonderfully uplifting MV, created by Kêithkash★, and scored to the song “Lions Roam Free”.

Combining sing-along lyrics and lip-synch animation, the joyful lion enjoys a tasty beverage on his own private island far out in the middle of the sea.

A case of mistaken identity ends with disaster in our next hilarious topic winner by Sushi.

We laughed out loud at the perfectly timed punchline on every viewing.

Bad Oliver indeed!

This moving MV by Aoi, made our hearts swell.

Using set piece drawings with multiple image movements and close up details, it features a majestic lion who is both benevolent and merciful.

All hail the king of beasts.

Beware! This Lion King has a warning for all those who dare to trespass on his land, in this weekly topic winner by ☆Grace☆.

We loved the hand drawn camera zoom-in, and also the voice-acted dialogue of the lion himself.

Very nicely done!

This fantastic animated drawing, by Toxic nova, captures the features of a lion just beautifully, while adding life to the subject with movement of the tail and mane.

Tucker’s brother gets him into a whole heap of lion based trouble in this winning entry by Jared.

Now that’s one mean looking kitty right there.

Drop everything and run!

This Weeks Topic - "Castles"

A castle is a fortified structure, built during the middle ages.

They were usually the home of royalty, and were often attacked by opposing armies intent on overthrowing the King.

Castles have many interesting design features such as turrets, curtain walls, portcullises, battlements, arrow slits, gatehouses and moats.

So they should be great fun to draw.

Set your Flipnotes outside a castle, or in one. And feel free to include any characters, action, drama, comedy, or other castle ideas that you like.

We bet your OCs would love a stay in a castle. Why not send them on a vacation to medieval times.

Castles feature in many popular movies.

Here are a few of our favorites:

Robin Hood Prince Of Thieves


Harry Potter

The Sword In The Stone

The Black Cauldron

Dragon Heart

We hope you find them inspiring for your animations.

Let’s all start making a castle Flipnote today.

We really love the way you're all so creative with these topics and look forward to seeing the Flipnotes you create for them.

Make sure to post your entries to the Weekly Topic channel Weekly Topic - Castles and the deadline for your entries is May 1st (12pm EST / 4pm GMT).

Also, we would encourage you to add a description to your Flipnotes. This is your opportunity to explain any points of interest and specific details that we could feature in the topic winner reviews.

And don't forget, if you want a cool thumbnail picture on your Flipnote, whichever frame you save the Flipnote on, that will become the thumbnail. So choose your favorite frame for this, or add in a cool title page at the end, and save on that.

Keep on Flipnoting and the best of luck with your entries.

Upcoming Topics

Topic - Cheese (May 1st)

Topic - Zelda the video game (May 8th)

Topic - Breaking The Rules (May 15th)

Topic - Big Headed (May 22nd)