January 31st, 2021: Sudomemo Weekly News - Topic: "Bubble Gum"

Hey there everyone, DeepRising here with the Weekly News Letter and Weekly Topic competition. Don't forget to check out next week's topic theme and it's description, as well as the subsequent Upcoming Topics at the end of the News Letter. But first, here's some news about an event that happened in the week just gone.

7 Years Of Flipnote Fun

On January 29th it was Sudomemo's 7th Birthday. We had an excellent party in our Discord with karaoke, prize drawings, a movie, and even a demo of the Flipnote Hatena Archive. We also had a great response of well wishing Flipnotes from many of you, all about our wonderful community here on Sudomemo. Why not check them out if you haven't seen them already. Find them in the 7 Years of Flipnote Fun channel.

Many thanks to every one who posted a Flipnote here. You really made it a special day!

And now back to the topic. Here are the winning Flipnotes from last week's topic "Bubble Gum". Well done to everybody who entered.

Our Favorite Flipnotes from last weeks Topic "Bubble Gum"

In our first winning Bubble gum Flipnote this week, by User, a young chap blows a bubble so big, it carries him up, up and away! It looks like huge fun, but wait, he seems to be losing control. Let's hope for his sake that the bubble doesn't burst!


A bubble gum bubble can be an excellent canvas for painting a portrait on, as we see in this winning entry by -FLIGON-. But beware of using your tail for a paint brush. As the bubble gum might just lose its flavour!

mrjohn has animated himself blowing a huge cartoon gum bubble with a mix of photo and drawn animation, for this winning Flipnote.

We laughed out loud as the bubble bursts spectacularly all over his face in a wonderfully expressive comedy back splat! Check it out frame by frame. It's really beautifully done.

A definite candidate for the most uplifting gum bubble takes a trip into outer space, in this delightful winning entry by \(^o^)/.

That looks like a nice day indeed.

An attempt at bubble blowing ends in an almost unbelievable sticky mess, in this winning entry by Kayra.

The hand drawn animation has great flare to it, expressing chewing, bubble blowing and finally, the tangled gummy predicament.


Glin has come up with the idea of a helium filled bubble gum bubble. Not only is it lighter than air, but it would also have an effect on your vocal chords.

In our final winning entry this week, by Cyberyami◎, chewing gum refreshes the potty-mouths of a group of arguing friends, like nothing else can.

New Orbit Raspberry Mint Gum really does the business, when french toast, stinky mac-stink face raises his ugly head. Wow, that was some argument!

This Weeks Topic - "Pac-Man The Video Game"

Pac-Man is a maze arcade game released in 1980. The player controls a round, yellow, eating mouth character, the Pac Man, who must chomp his way through all the dots in an enclosed maze, while avoiding the four colored ghosts. But if he eats an energizer dot, the ghosts turn blue and the Pac Man can wreak revenge by chasing and eating the ghosts instead.

A wonderfully retro game by today's standards, and hugely entertaining, with such memorable sound effects and music.

Have you played Pac-Man? Were you really good at it? Or did you, like me throw tantrums when you lost?

Your Flipnotes could be about any aspect of the game itself, the game characters, playing the game, the many media spin offs in popular culture, or anything else related to it.

So start chomping away at those dots, and running away from those ghosts. We're looking forward to seeing you clear the board on this topic.

We really love the way you're all so creative with these topics and look forward to seeing the Flipnotes you create for them.

Make sure to post your entries to the Weekly Topic channel Weekly Topic - Pac-Man The Video Game and the deadline for your entries is February 7th (12pm EST / 4pm GMT).

Also, we would encourage you to add a Flipnote description to your entry. This is your opportunity to explain any points of interest and specific details that we could feature in our reviews.

Keep on Flipnoting and the best of luck with your entries.

Upcoming Topics

Topic - Tortoises and Turtles (February 7th)

Topic - Dripping (February 14th)

Topic - Skiing (February 21st)

Topic - Numbers (February 28th)