December 10th: Sudomemo Weekly News - Topic: Winter Wonderland

Hey there everyone, DeepRising here with the Weekly Newsletter and Weekly Topic competition.

We had a great response to last week's topic “Winter Wonderland”, and a selection of our favorite winning entries are coming up.

But first here's a reminder about Sudomemo patreon.

Sudomemo Patreon

Sudomemo needs your help for maintenance, upkeep, and long term planning.

Our patreon account has been established for just this purpose. But with a monthly goal of $1000 per month, we're currently raising funds of $321 per month. So we'd like to take this opportunity to appeal for more donations.

Anyone can pledge to Sudomemo patreon, and there's lots of benefits and fun froggy tiers of membership to attain.

Here's the link to the Sudomemo patreon site if you wish to join up and donate:

Thank you for your interest, and now back to the Topic

Our Favorite Flipnotes from last weeks Topic "Winter Winderland"

You can view all of the submissions for this topic on its Weekly Topic channel by clicking this link Weekly Topic - Winter Wonderland

If you're thinking about making a topic Flipnote, don't forget to check out next week's topic theme and description, with ideas and inspiration to get you started, as well as the upcoming Topics listed at the end of the Newsletter.

And now, here are the winning Flipnotes from last week's topic "Winter Wonderland".

Well done to everyone who entered.

Glance and Gaze disagree on the wonders of winter in this ice cold Topic winning Flipnote by CosmicGAZ.

Including animated snowfall, frozen winter backdrops, and a persuasive cozy interior, the fully lip-synched conversation leads nicely to a comedy punchline, where Glance proves his point with a couple of frosty friends.

Popsicle anyone?

Hold onto your hats and duck for cover, it’s the Black And Red Snow Ball fight!

Presented by Dr dermode and powered by Flipnote Studio, the action is spectacular and the snow balls too numerous to count in this super cool re-imagining of the classic style Stick Fight.

We were blown right out of our seats by its beat perfect motion flow, musical pazazz, and trick-ful edit cutting.

And you don’t even need to press loop, because believe us when we say “You're gonna want to let it play and play!

A snowman seemingly bursts into life with a magical melody in this SpongeBob inspired stick figure cartoon by Scronin.

But watch closely as the snowman disappears in a racing-crash-blur, soaring away over the horizon, powered not by magic, but by disorderly skiing. And leaving utter bewilderment behind him.

When a stick man attempts to control the weather, he winds up completely snowed under in this voice acted comedy sketch by ☆Tens☆.

Utilizing full screen timed movements for dramatic emphasis, the character posing works beautifully with the dialogue. And we especially liked the one that accompanies controlling the weather.


A snowball fight between “Starry” and “Beach Ball” looks like enormous fun in this pelting Topic winner by ☆All-stars.

The snowball impact splats work extremely well, conveying the consistency of the snow most effectively, as it flattens and spreads on contact, before loosening and dropping to the ground.

This animated draw of a snowman in an aerial view by DAREMario really brought home the joys of the season to us.

We also loved the use of different framing techniques, one of which suggests the snowman’s admires, by their footprints left in the snow.

This Weeks Topic - "Reindeer"

With Christmas just around the corner, we thought we’d kick off early with this festive animal Topic “Reindeer”.

The reindeer is an antlered species of deer native to the Arctic, tundra, and mountainous regions of North Europe, Siberia, and North America.

This topic could be about the reindeer that pull Santa’s sleigh. Or it could be more broadly about the animal itself.

Draw and animate your reindeer in any way you like;

Realistically, cartoonified, in silhouette, or even with lip synch dialogue for a full talking character.

And whether they’re trotting, galloping, or flying through the air, make sure to post your entries to the Weekly Topic channel Weekly Topic - Reindeer 2023 and the deadline for your entries is December 17th (12pm EST / 4pm GMT).

We really love the way you're all so creative with these topics and look forward to seeing the Flipnotes you create for them.

We would encourage you to add a description to your Flipnotes. This is your opportunity to explain any points of interest and specific details that we could feature in the topic winner reviews.

And don't forget, if you want a cool thumbnail picture on your Flipnote, whichever frame you save the Flipnote on, that will become the thumbnail. So choose your favorite frame for this, or add in a cool title page at the end, and save on that.

Keep on Flipnoting and the best of luck with your entries.

Upcoming Topics

Topic - Christmas 2023 (December 17th: 2 week Topic)

Topic - Christmas Topic continues (December 24th) Winners announced at the end of this week.

Topic - 2023: The Year Just Gone (December 31st)

Topic - Mountain Climbing (January 7th)