August 18th: Sudomemo Weekly News - Topic: Monster Trucks

Hey there everyone, DeepRising here with the Weekly Newsletter and Weekly Topic competition.

We had a great response to last week's topic “Monster Trucks”, and a selection of our favorite winning entries are coming up.

But first, we'd like to remind you of our ongoing fund raising activities.

Sudomemo Fund Raising

We're still trying to raise more cash this month for additional Sudomemo expenditures, and would be greatly appreciative for any and all donations we receive.

Here's the link to our Sudomemo Patreon site:

And thanks so much for your continuing support.

OK, now back to the Topic.

Our Favorite Flipnotes from last weeks Topic "Monster Trucks"

You can view all of the submissions for this topic on its Weekly Topic channel by clicking this link Weekly Topic - Monster Trucks

If you're thinking about making a topic Flipnote, don't forget to check out next week's topic theme and description, with ideas and inspiration to get you started, as well as the upcoming Topics listed at the end of the Newsletter.

And now, here are the winning Flipnotes from last week's topic "Monster Trucks".

Well done to everyone who entered.

Storming the screen with style, flare, and monstrous power, is this exceptional tribute to the true awesomeness of the monster truck by MⒶZOkidox.

Skillfully animated with great use of drawing construction, perspective, and energetic movement in space, the truck’s dynamic routine includes swinging doughnut skids, and a teetering two wheel tip, as well as a ramp jump with an astounding mid air flip.

The incomparable Peb The Peb revs up, and rolls out at a monster truck stunt event entirely of their own creation in this delightfully whimsical Topic winning entry by dermo......

Shifting gear into a magnificent jump to the stars achieves record breaking success, as the little guy ramps up the danger yet further with an out-of-vehicle ride!

After stopping safely at a red light, a law abiding road user has a serious brush with a rampaging monster truck in this expertly animated, car crushing Topic winner by Coliwogg.

And to top it all off, what’s left of the hapless vehicle then gets hooted for holding up traffic.

Now that’s really got to sting!

Designing five very different monster trucks you’re bound to enjoy, Watson inc both innovates and educates in this Topic winning creative Flipnote countdown.

Ranging from pizza wheels and giant boots, to an astonishingly real ‘Smart monster truck’, the concept vehicles are wonderfully detailed, and presented with accompanying comments and music.

In a literal switch of the Topic theme, ShbeeBo has produced this spectacular illustration of, not a monster truck, but a Truck Monster!

Such a fearsome vehicle-creature hybrid would no doubt have an engine that ROARS!

Great speed over rough terrain is no problem at all for this four wheeled monster, as it tears along on a sunny day, in this Topic winning animated loop by Tristan.

This Weeks Topic - "Ray Guns"

Ray gun definition: A hand held weapon from science fiction similar to a pistol, but one that fires destructive or lethal rays.

Ray guns, laser guns, and phaser guns have appeared in all sorts of shapes and sizes in Sci-Fi popular culture across many years in movies and TV shows such as;

Star Trek, Star Wars, Men In Black, Mars Attacks, Buck Rogers, Lost in Space, Forbidden Planet, and Flash Gordon to name but a few.

Typically ray guns can stun or vaporize, and are usually accompanied by a blasting, zapping, or ray-like sound effect.

But for your Topic Flipnotes, feel free to tailor their design, and the effect that they have when fired entirely to your own creation.

Why not let your OCs loose with one, or invent a ray gun with bizarre effects that have never been seen before!

Whatever your decision, let’s all pull the trigger, and start blasting away a Topic entry today!

We really love the way you're all so creative with these topics and look forward to seeing the Flipnotes you create for them.

Make sure to post your entries to the Weekly Topic channel Weekly Topic - Ray Guns and the deadline for your entries is August 25th (12pm EST / 4pm GMT).

We would also encourage you to add a description to your Flipnotes. This is your opportunity to explain any points of interest and specific details that we could feature in the topic winner reviews.

And don't forget, if you want a cool thumbnail picture on your Flipnote, whichever frame you save the Flipnote on, that will become the thumbnail. So choose your favorite frame for this, or add in a cool title page at the end, and save on that.

Keep on Flipnoting and the best of luck with your entries.

Upcoming Topics

Topic - Television (August 25th)

Topic - India (September 1st)

Topic - The Trumpet (September 8th)

Topic - A.I. - Artificial Intelligence (September 15th)