May 17th, 2020: Sudomemo Weekly News - Topic:"Social Distancing Issues"

Hey there everyone, DeepRising here with the Weekly News Letter and Weekly Topic competition. Don't forget to check out next week's topic theme and the subsequent Upcoming Topics, at the end of the News Letter. And now, here are the winning Flipnotes from last week's topic "Social Distancing Issues". Well done to everybody who entered.

Our Favorite Flipnotes from last weeks Topic "Social Distancing Issues"

When a quiet day social distancing safely at home, is interrupted by an unwanted visitor, the response is extreme, in this absolutely brilliant Flipnote, by Vex.


This informative and beautifully made MV, by Beliya'al, makes an excellent guide to social distancing. And the audio track is hilarious, as well as being perfect for the topic.

This simple, but highly effect idea, by JioSeff, uses the Super Mario plumbers, to demonstrate the fundamental principle of social distancing.

Try watching it on a loop, it works brilliantly.


We loved the energy of this entry, by Puchi. Don't miss the coronavirus getting the boot at the end. A great idea, and very nicely done!


We were very impressed with this 'Social Distancing Sprite fight', by MetalDeeds.

What an ingenious idea, and beautifully executed!

This wonderfully drawn and narrated entry, by D@ni, really captures the sense of working together to conquer the coronavirus with Social Distancing.

We laughed out loud at this hysterical skit, by Kêithkash★.

Excellent character gestures and lip synch work well with the dialogue, to deliver the satire. Absolutely spot on!

This Weeks Topic - "Sharks"

Sharks! The predictors of the sea. There's many different types of sharks, from the Tiger shark, the Blue shark, the Thresher shark, to the Hammerhead shark, and of course, the most famous and dangerous of all, the great white shark.

Well known for their dorsal fins protruding out of the water when they swim close to the surface, sharks have many other fascinating features, such as serrated teeth, the fact that they never truly sleep, and cannot swim backwards.

Although sharks generally don't hunt swimming humans, people have been attacked on numerous occasions, often while surfing.

The hugely successful movie franchise 'Jaws' was based on just such fears, and has demonized sharks, particularly the great white shark, ever since.

Top tip - The simple two tone melody from the Jaws movie would make a great sound track for your Flipnotes.

We're so terrified to see your shark Flipnotes, we wonder if we'll ever go in the ocean again!

Make sure to post your entries to the Weekly Topic channel Weekly Topic - Sharks and the deadline for your entries is May 24th (12pm EST / 4pm GMT) Keep on Flipnoting and the best of luck with your entries.

Upcoming Topics

Topic - Graffiti (May 24th)

Topic - The Hiccups (May 31st)

Topic - Quarantine Hobbies (June 7th)

Topic - Flipnote Classics (June 14th)