January 7th: Sudomemo Weekly News - Topic: 2023 The Year Just Gone

Hey there everyone, DeepRising here with the Weekly Newsletter and Weekly Topic competition.

We had a great response to last week's topic “2023 The Year Just Gone”, and a selection of our favorite winning entries are coming up.

But firstly, here’s some other news.

Sudomemo Rewind Is Now Released

We're delighted to let you know that Sudomemo Rewind is available to watch now!

Sudomemo Rewind is a Youtube video post which takes a look back at the highlights of this year on Sudomemo. It’s a great re-cap for all Sudomemo enthusiasts, and is hugely informative and entertaining to watch.

Here's the link to the Sudomemo Rewind YouTube Video:


What ever you do, don't miss it!

OK, now back to the Topic.

Our Favorite Flipnotes from last weeks Topic "2023 The Year Just Gone"

You can view all of the submissions for this topic on its Weekly Topic channel by clicking this link Weekly Topic - 2023 The Year Just Gone

If you're thinking about making a topic Flipnote, don't forget to check out next week's topic theme and description, with ideas and inspiration to get you started, as well as the upcoming Topics listed at the end of the Newsletter.

And now, here are the winning Flipnotes from last week's topic "2023 The Year Just Gone".

Well done to everyone who entered.

Sporting excellent New Year hats, a pair of street party revelers see in 2024 with an explosive alternative to The Ball Drop in this ground leveling Topic winner by Joshua.

Animated with both lip-synched and annotated dialogue, as well as broad flicker, the action includes a bomb rotating through a pitching aerial view, along with a before and after landscape that exemplifies turn of year devastation perfectly.

Featuring selections from all this creator’s Flipnotes of 2023, CosmicGAZ skillfully blends together the animations with all new, and unique transitions for this spectacular Amalgamation MV.

Wow! What an impressive year indeed.

It’s been a very bad year for this creator. And one that should be smashed into a million pieces, as we see in this impassioned retribution on the year just gone by Cosmirage.

We particularly enjoyed the steely eyed mix of PC and Portrait in the introduction that sets the mood beautifully before 2023 gets its shattering due!

ThisAusB23 celebrates The New Year with this splendid Flipnote illustration of their Profile Character jumping for joy.

A comedy hooter sound effect also adds greatly to the fun!

As the New Year's Eve clock counts down to midnight, a characterization of 2023 itself is bid a sympathetic farewell by a friend in this well voice-acted Topic winning Flipnote by williamL➕.

A sassy Profile Character gets more hindrance than help with their New Year’s resolutions in this hilarious winning Topic entry by SkrillStar.

Woah……That PC looks seriously miffed!

What better way to honor the New Year than with sparklers. Which are animated in this entry with exceptional cast lighting effects created by Brownie75.

This Weeks Topic - "Mountain Climbing"

Mountain climbing can be an exercise, a record breaking sport, or historically, a world first achievement, as it was with the race to summit Mount Everest.

Utilizing ropes, cams, harnesses, crampons, axes, and a variety of other specialized gear, it’s extremely dangerous but, as many climbers will tell you, is really the ultimate thrill!

Create your Flipnotes to focus on any type of mountain climbing you choose, and in any animation or drawing style you like.

Use your OCs, research the techniques, create mountains of your own making and concur them!

The climb could be hard, and the reward great.

But in the end, the adventure is yours!

We really love the way you're all so creative with these topics and look forward to seeing the Flipnotes you create for them.

Make sure to post your entries to the Weekly Topic channel Weekly Topic - Mountain Climbing and the deadline for your entries is January 14th (12pm EST / 4pm GMT).

We would also encourage you to add a description to your Flipnotes. This is your opportunity to explain any points of interest and specific details that we could feature in the topic winner reviews.

And don't forget, if you want a cool thumbnail picture on your Flipnote, whichever frame you save the Flipnote on, that will become the thumbnail. So choose your favorite frame for this, or add in a cool title page at the end, and save on that.

Keep on Flipnoting and the best of luck with your entries.

Upcoming Topics

Topic - Arrows (January 14th)

Topic - Exaggeration In Animation (January 21st)

Topic - Palaces (January 28th)

Topic - The Piano (February 4th)