I shoot my arrows in the air sometimes, saying ay-o, creepers K.O.'d.
Loot his remains and now his sulfur's mine, saying ay-o, not today-o
And then I go to work
Under the birch tree
And I make myself
Tons of TNT
And I'll use these blocks
To build a big city
And I'll mine
I came to dig, dig, dig, dig
I'll build a city, oh so big, big, big, big
Just wait a sec, gotta kill this pig, pig, pig, pig
Cook me some bacon, take a swig, swig, swig, swig, yeah, yeah
There must be something I can craft
To ease the burden of this task, yeah!
Omg this looks amazing!!!
30fps is on 8-speed, this animation is on 7-speed so it'd be 20fps (or 19.9439 if you want an accurate value)
yo what, 30fps animation oh gosh so damn smooth
I shoot my arrows in the air sometimes, saying ay-o, creepers K.O.'d.
Loot his remains and now his sulfur's mine, saying ay-o, not today-o
And then I go to work
Under the birch tree
And I make myself
Tons of TNT
And I'll use these blocks
To build a big city
And I'll mine
I came to dig, dig, dig, dig
I'll build a city, oh so big, big, big, big
Just wait a sec, gotta kill this pig, pig, pig, pig
Cook me some bacon, take a swig, swig, swig, swig, yeah, yeah
There must be something I can craft
To ease the burden of this task, yeah!
That looked so cool!