posting this 8 hours before it goes up on my socials dont tell no one

Commentaires (3)
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  • Photo de profil de BluToyeⓁ◎ⓁBluToyeⓁ◎Ⓛ• 2024-06-11 14:02:19 (7870439)

    flasbacks to the bomb countdowns during the vietnam war _('_')7

  • Photo de profil de the motanthe motan• 2024-06-11 10:38:01 (7870426)

    is this what walmart is like? idk i'm not american

  • Photo de profil de JoseJose• 2024-06-11 02:14:54 (7870384)

    As a walmart worker I can confirm this happens to elderly people

Photo de profil de AuroraXD
11th June 2024, 01:59:19
  • Vues800
  • Sauvegardes26
  • Commentaires3
  • ID Flipnote8NPU3H
  • ChaîneFunny
  • RégionAmérique
