This is a very old flipnote!! I am going to try and repost all of my worthwhile flipnotes here for those who missed viewing them. Enjoy!

Commentaires (2)
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  • Photo de profil de kyoki~kyoki~• 2024-02-09 04:13:40 (7838871)

    hey super late reply i know but i wanted you to know i wrote in the comments immediately after posting that i didn’t make it and credited the original maker, i thought that since it was nowhere to be found i should show people the amazing stuff that used to be on flipnote, also i didn’t know how to type descriptions until a year later lol

  • Photo de profil de ✕Cryptive✕✕Cryptive✕• 2020-09-26 21:53:10 (7131677)
    Commentaire dessiné par ✕Cryptive✕
Photo de profil de Lourantis
26th September 2020, 20:37:14
  • Vues147
  • Sauvegardes6
  • Commentaires2
  • ID FlipnoteEAMQSL
  • ChaîneAnimations
  • RégionAmérique

Bangarang Skrillex 2018 Démarre à 00:30
Flipnote originale

La Flipnote originale n'est pas sur Sudomemo.

Créateur: KiDemiDaru
FSID: 5D6A9DF0F7D43598