The person answering the question assumes that they meant to ask "is your refrigerator working?" However, the word "running" can mean either to be operational/working or it could mean the physical act of running. The joke is where refrigerators clearly cannot physically run, so it would be silly to assume that the fri

Comentarios (14)
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  • Foto de perfil de sonic x 25sonic x 25• 2024-07-27 21:11:06 (7885204)
    Comentario dibujado por sonic x 25
  • Foto de perfil de ShrimpopShrimpop• 2024-06-15 19:54:04 (7872114)
    Comentario dibujado por Shrimpop
  • Alan• 2024-04-25 21:56:36 (7859573)

    yes just yes

  • Khentendo• 2024-04-21 14:19:44 (7858115)

    what the crap just happun

  • Bond• 2024-04-16 01:16:53 (7856057)


  • Foto de perfil de AntiNexus™AntiNexus™• 2024-04-10 18:00:45 (7854632)


  • Foto de perfil de FlameFlame• 2024-04-09 10:28:30 (7854116)


  • Foto de perfil de ComixComix• 2024-04-02 22:12:31 (7852210)


  • Foto de perfil de LincolnLincoln• 2024-04-02 20:55:05 (7852189)
    Comentario dibujado por Lincoln
  • Foto de perfil de JohnJohn• 2024-04-02 12:28:46 (7852056)

    it's so random I love it

April 1st, 2024 17:13:57

Flipnote Original

La Flipnote original no está en Sudomemo.

Creador(a): Mouse
FSID: 574F6870A0B947B4