A monstrous creature and a beautiful woman defy societal norms to find love, but tragedy strikes when the beast accidentally kills his beloved in an embrace, unaware of his strength. Grief-stricken and tormented by regret, he grapples with the consequences of his power, haunted by the memory of the love he destroyed.

Comentarios (2)
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  • Foto de perfil de DeeDee• 2023-11-26 04:41:39 (7817739)
    Comentario dibujado por Dee
  • Foto de perfil de WohhdohWohhdoh• 2023-10-19 00:10:59 (7809618)
    Comentario dibujado por Wohhdoh
Foto de perfil de zed.32
October 16th, 2023 11:55:31
  • Vistas94
  • Descargas4
  • Comentarios2
  • Flipnote IDV24UR8
  • CanalMusic Videos
  • RegiónEuropa y Oceanía

Flipnote Original

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Creador(a): zed.32