September 22nd, 2019 : Sudomemo Weekly News - Topic : "Helicopters"

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Hey there everyone, DeepRising here with the Weekly News Letter and Weekly Topic competition. If you want to have more time to make your Flipnotes for the weekly Topic, then don't forget to check out the list of upcoming topics at the end of the News Letter. Also, we have an extra competition this week, to celebrate the 'Storming of Area 51' Facebook event. See the winners of this, after our regular Topic winners. And now, here are the winning Flipnotes from last week's topic "Helicopters". Well done to everybody who entered.

Our Favorite Flipnotes from last weeks Topic "Helicopters"

Our first selection this week, by ☆ KⒶden ☆, features a spectacular helicopter action sequence. It's made in the form of a trailer, for his latest block-buster movie, 'Kaden 2'. We loved the movie style voice over. Will the hero survive? We can't wait to see! Don't miss this one at your local cinema.

A stick man transforms into a helicopter, to win a stick fight, in this dynamic Flipnote by みーちゃん. His opponent didn't stand a chance!

A great looking helicopter flys high in the sky, in this entry by xXDustXx. There's nice smooth blade rotation animation, and the cloud movement uses depth to great effect too.


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No, it's a helicopter, in this musical entry by Kêithkash★. The Helicopter-rotors are designed in a very creative way, and the choice of music was inspired.

Checkout the fantastic helicopter design, in this entry by User. For a quick getaway, it looks ideal! :D


There's nice use of the Flipnote paintbrush tools, in this Flipnote by kenpa(ケンパ). The entire helicopter is visible through the spinning rotors. Nice one!

And here are the results for the 'Storm Area 51' competition.

"Storm Area 51" Flipnote Competition

"Look, an Alien..." Whoops, now it's crashed! We really enjoyed the sledgehammer wit and quick-fire comedy of this entry by User.


We absolutely loved this triumphant charge on Area 51, lead by ☆FEATHERS☆ herself, on horseback. Such power, such drama, and so many Facebookers. Totally Awesome!

This wacky and colorful entry by •.nen.•, has great sound, animation and characters. A great promo for the storming of Area 51!


There's a distinct lack of enthusiasm for the storming of Area 51, in this hilarious entry, by zed.32. We very much enjoyed the use of OCs, and the voice acting is really top-notch.

The 'Grey' Alien joke, in this Flipnote by MEOW had us rolling around on the floor with laughter. It's him! It's him! It's the one on the right! LOL.

This nicely drawn and beautifully timed Flipnote, by SioSoalCat, tell a heart warming and highly amusing story of the storming of Area 51. Don't miss the 'Meme Gun', it's massively Awesome! Where can we get one of those, we want one! :D

This Weeks Topic - "Advertising"

There's many different types of advertising, through various forms of mass media, from television, radio, cinema and the Internet, to magazines, newspapers and billboards. An advert can be in the form of a photograph, live action, audio, a brand, and also product placement. Adverts can be simple and informative, but are often enticing and exciting, suggesting all kinds of amazing qualities of the product in question. With Tag-lines and Slogans like "It's the Real Thing" (for Coke), and Once you Pop, you can't Stop! (for Pringles). Ads mix it up with catchy jingles that stick in your head, and memorable characters (for example : The 'Go Compare' opera singer, and the Meerkat Movie meerkats), all of which, consumers associate with the products when they come to purchase.

Why not make your own advert, in the form of a Flipnote, and really Sell It! Your products can be real, or fictional, or what ever you like. Be creative, be ingenious, but Sell, Sell, Sell!

Make sure to post your entries to the Weekly Topic - Advertising channel, and the deadline for your entries is September the 29th (12pm EST / 4pm GMT) Keep on Flipnoting and the best of luck with your entries.

Upcoming Topics

We wanted to give you all the option to spend more time on your Flipnotes for the weekly topic, if you would like too. So here is a list of our next four upcoming Topics, and the dates we'll be having them. They will start after this week's topic 'Advertising':

Topic - Ears (September 29th)

Topic - Surprise (October 6th)

Topic - Sumo Wrestling (October 13th)

Topic - The Perfect Heist (October 20th)

We hope you find this useful.