Bring on the edge! Introducing a “blood fairy” OC named Sage-Monique, who’s one of Brittany’s longtime foes in the city park. She's sort of a chaotic neutral antagonist. Her traits are shared with cecropia moths and vampire moths. Her energy runs on red pixie dust, filtered from the blood of animals she sees and bites.

Kommentare (2)
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  • jeromis's Profilbildjeromis• 2024-10-22 13:21:37 (7912346)


  • will$CREAM's Profilbildwill$CREAM• 2024-10-21 23:20:01 (7912278)

    Inspired by POch0, Hailfire, ColorDrake, Oogieboogi, BrAiNsLiCe, LilyCelebi, orgadad & Bunny’s horror/thriller-style content in Flipnote history.

will$CREAM's Profilbild
21. October 2024, 23:13:04
  • Aufrufe39
  • Male heruntergeladen1
  • Kommentare2
  • Flipnote-IDKH6U3A
  • KanalSpeedPaints
  • RegionAmerika
