Testing out different boiling effects

Kommentare (3)
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  • wohhdoh's Profilbildwohhdoh• 2024-07-14 01:05:22 (7880695)
    Gezeichneter Kommentar von wohhdoh
  • 😑's Profilbild😑• 2024-06-30 14:13:44 (7876341)

    Nahh my camera is actually broken, although I know how to import images so I might try doing something with that even though its tedious.
    First one is scrambling the drawing around with the selection tool, second one is shifting the image over 4 pixels in different directions before resizing and then repositioning it back, and the last one uses some paint eraser techniques and inverting shenanigans. I might make some tutorials for it if other people want to try it out.

  • dermo.....'s Profilbilddermo.....• 2024-06-30 07:48:15 (7876287)
    Gezeichneter Kommentar von dermo.....
😑's Profilbild
30. June 2024, 03:23:12
  • Aufrufe135
  • Male heruntergeladen3
  • Kommentare3
  • Flipnote-ID4M5P8R
  • KanalAnimations
  • RegionAmerika
