June 7th, 2020: Sudomemo Weekly News - Topic:"Into the Light"

Hey there everyone, DeepRising here with the Weekly NewsLetter and Weekly Topic competition. Don't forget to check out next week's topic theme and the subsequent Upcoming Topics, at the end of the Newsletter. And now, here are the winning Flipnotes from last week's topic "Into the Light".

Each winner will receive a special achievement for their Trophy Case, over a month of Sudomemo Plus, a Colors! Promo Ticket, and also some Color Sudomemo Stars to use on Flipnotes or Creator's Room themes. In addition, each Sudomemo winner will receive early access to the Colors! Live Beta for Windows.

Well done to everybody who entered.

Our Favorite Flipnotes from last weeks Topic "Into the Light"

Our first winner this week is this amazing Splatoon themed MV, by ♥AJ♥.

With fantastic characters and perfect lyrics, it is animated beautifully along with the sound track.

We were totally blown away by the highly creative lighting effects in this, our second winning entry, by Siobhan

There's moving cast light, light racing past a textured wall, and twinkling bursts of light! And all beautifully realized in a dramatic animated scene, where an inquisitive girl drops her lamp into a cave.

In our third and final winning entry this week, a sorrowful wolf discovers a way through a magical wall of light, into joy and happiness, in this astonishing animation by Blood wolf.

The poses and movement are truly exceptional, and the coloring works so well, it made us do a double take when we first saw it!

The Winning Entries From Colors Live

And now, here are links to the three winning entries from the Colors Live website.


Winning entries:

This fantastic piece by ‘toddler_78’ features a moth flying dangerously close to a candle flame.

The lighting effects are really excellent! You can actually see the light shining through the moth’s translucent wings.


‘Twarda’ decided to do a still life for this topic entry.

The three dimensional shading, and highlights and lowlights, are absolutely beautiful!

You can almost reach out and touch it, it’s so realistic!


A wolf floats on the threshold between light and dark, in this wonderful entry, by Blood Wolf.

We loved the bubbly style of the transition, and the gradianted coloring, and tonal shading adds great depth to the piece.


What amazing pieces of digital art.

Congratulations to all three winners.

This Weeks Topic - "The Hiccups"

A hiccup is an involuntary contraction of the diaphragm followed by a closure of your vocal chords, producing a characteristic 'Hic' sound.

Hiccups can be caused in many ways, from eating too fast and swallowing air, to anxiety and stress.

It can be quite embarrassing when someone gets the hiccups, and are totally uncontrollable. Trying to concentrate on anything, while hiccuping continually is extremely difficult. I can personally testify to that.

I've heard that the hiccups can supposedly be cured with a sudden shock or scare. But that's never worked for me. Nevertheless, it could be an interesting idea to work into a Flipnote.

Also, we were thinking it could be a lot of fun to animate characters with the Hiccups. How about giving your OCs (Original characters) a bad case of them.

How often do you get the hiccups?

Have you ever had them at an inopportune moment?

Are they funny, or annoying?

We can't wait to find out what you think!

“Hiccup! Excuse me!”

We really love the way you're all so creative with these topics and look forward to seeing the Flipnotes you create for them. Make sure to post your entries to the Weekly Topic channel Weekly Topic - The Hiccups and the deadline for your entries is 14th June (12pm EST / 4pm GMT). Keep on Flipnoting and the best of luck with your entries.

Upcoming Topics

Topic - Quarantine Hobbies (14th June)

Topic - Flipnote Classics (21st June)

Topic - Patience (28th June)

Topic - Video Calling (5th July)